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Monday, 11 June 2012

I Am Naked!

nevertheless, floating on or diving in is not the case ..
I Am Naked!
Life stops where you stop, and the deeper you go, the deeper life gets – it’s all you. Yet why do the experiences flutter into the nothingness of time and disappear? Mocking us into being truly in touch with all there is, and bitterly holding on to those things of the world, not wanting to open up the soul. Useless boundaries when all is a clump of matter and soon to return back to one. There is meaning and there is sound wisdom, but the more you know, the more there is still that you don’t know, so how could one reach a definite affirmation of life when the only thing that is ultimate is that there will always be more? Are we meant to remain floating on and ignore that we always have a chance to dive in? If floating on is the reason, why do pearls not float along? How deep a breath are you willing to take before diving with ponder into life? Considering every moment especially dear to the heart, being naked to the scars knowing somehow it is how you must grow. Wearing no shield to keep your heart, only to let everything in and grasp the harmonious meaning of everything that must touch your eyes and sink into your soul. The stronger the intention of wanting to understand, the more mysterious the lyrics become. It’s a scene where the sunsets, but one remains spattered by the duality of the simplicity of the silent setting with the intricacy of the explosion of its glow. It’s all a matter of choice, but somehow and for some reason it was meant that everything shall eventually reach its end, so what’s it worth living and not knowing? It’s beyond curiosity – it’s the innocence of passion.
-Al-Gassim Sharafuddin, June 11, 2012

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