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Friday, 25 May 2012

Breathing Dust

Humility is my light, a Breathing Dust is who I am ..

Breathing Dust
Simply look away when dislike fills the air, simply drop the bomb of sympathy to keep yourself okay, and simply act the brittle part in inceptions of might and great – when your soul is peeled, and delusions of a psychological being remain.
If for some reason humbleness came your way for you to seek the truth, they will let you go. “Truth is an ocean, there are oceans of truth,” they’ll tell you. With all pleasure you swim from shore to shore. From shore to shore, as if there is a desire to struggle, a hunger for pain, and an unspoken grief over the growing excite that something within is mortal. From shore to shore, all, only to keep one from giving in to the cage they’ve locked themselves in. It is as putting a bird in a cage made of gold to keep the guilt away, and here, the souls are buried deep that only the make-up appears.
In such world, a hacked illusion feeding of despair, the shade is rarely tempting. Darkness veils itself in light, and any form of resistance is equivalent to slavery however one goes. Even to resist is to play by their rules of the game, and such is no different to slavery.
Remember, in such world, they’ll never tell you that sometimes everyone is just trying to “swim against the stream” to be themselves, and they never told you that everyone is almost lost busy swimming the oceans seeking the truth - still in their own cage.
Whereas the truth might really seem as vast as the ocean, the truth could just be a tear in a silent night, a sigh in acceptance to the process of life, and even simpler, a laugh of joy to all there is.
How difficult it is to embrace love and truth when one is in such a cage? How easy is to put oneself in a cage only to keep one from the reality of being a Breathing Dust? To break such cage is to reach the peak of humility so high up that one could fall and lose it all, but still, when done, the winds blow the fear away. For that is the only moment when humility is a power – an honor. Humility for love and compassion – humility only a true Breathing Dust would desire.

-Al-Gassim Sharafuddin, May 25, 2012