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Monday, 4 May 2020

To Learn and to Heal

Complicated, spurious, and bitter conversations ... I know!

I'm reckless and unsurprised; however, I'm overwhelmed by my own vulnerability to the point I can no longer comprehend what is going on. It's like all the meaningful things are of no value except to prove your soul's invisibility. It's as if your own spirit, your own heart, is the issue, and this proves to you there's no point in breaking the silence - nothing will make sense. Deep inside you know that the truth could be different so you quietly embrace your imperfections and watch yourself being brushed off.

It's a journey and change must happen from the inside out. Einstein once said,
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." 
The precious place that's full of love and tranquility, and where your heart is the center of the universe. The place where you feel your soul will remain safe, appreciated, protected and loved.
That place is inside. That place is your own truth. No matter how difficult life becomes and no matter how miserable things are, it's your truth that matters more than anything, and your truth is as big as the universe. Your truth, your humanity, is full of the compassion by your creator, so listen deeper. Remember that at any given moment, there's a refuge, and there's love and peace, so allow yourself to learn and to heal.