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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

When we think we still remember...

When we think we still remember…

Did we forget? How did it blindly pass us?

Were we seeing a light? Was it angels that spoke to us, and simply put us into that right moment and right spot, right people, and all the right things that unexplainably fit to what we thought we were experiencing? It never failed, and this external, or unconsciously internal, work of bringing things together always there ahead of us. It keeps pushing us until we begin to see a trail; later, we start to impair. The promise and the hope of healing from despair was not the remedy nor did it keep us from being too lost to repair. This voice that we eventually get used to, and sometimes unwittingly block when we are too busy to listen. Experiences, journeys, stories, history; and the list goes on with these obscure and senseless words we are calling on real lives. Real equations of direct compulsions towards what it all is, and certainly, part of our – not separate, reoccurring cycles of time; so, shouldn’t we be learning?
We are human. Complex beings, actually, complex universes – too complex for typical, and probably more complex than to remain characterless. The character is deep within our nature completing this world for a just flow of energy and its balance. Each character, each universe, each one of us is especially designed with a specified effect in creating harmony and balance. Unfortunately, when this design is replaced year after year with sorrow and untrusting the process, a system of errors and awes is built. A system that human now suffer. Overwhelmed with worry to stop at a point where it might cause the loss of what is not even already there, and what might seem to be there. Could we really lose it all? Isn’t it all merging back?
Not afraid of loss is the first step towards wearing the design back again, and sometimes that is how our most wonderful journeys begin. Or do we not always remain at that excitement and free of those heavy cuffs? We have structured our minds and perception in a way that when we see others talking about a different reality it becomes something that we can’t digest, or that they will eventually give-up and adjust. As if nothing shifts one off of the impaired trails in life except bitterness, and still, after sometime one begins to impair their trail back again by giving in to loss, fear, guilt, and all those powerful emotions (which are meant only as signs communicating with the self and not direct controllers of oneself let alone tools of manipulation at the hand of others.)
To be overwhelmed by the system, programmed since early years of life, and pressured by everyone to be one of what the rest is. Here or there, it doesn’t matter where and with who as well as for what, when it becomes psychological pressure and not free will of the soul. Conformity might seem like a smart diplomatic “effective” dress a person could wear, but in fact, it is only a cover for the flaws of the system itself. Sometime while at the road somewhere, if we forget who we are, will we know we have forgotten (when we are struggling on how to erase our character and abide?) Could it be that the captivating spells of life are indeed the struggle or distraction? To shed them off of oneself is to be free they say, but when it has grown deep into the soul, into the thoughts and dreams too, is that possible? Obstinately, I must ask why? Why do we need to fit in to their unjust protocols?
To be captured, locked, and waiting for the answer. Seeing all options mere assumptions and nothing promises real fixture. Too ill to think and full of pain to be wise. Rushing blindly through the way while anxiously waiting for the abyss. No lifeboats nor will anyone ever assure you things will go alright, and if they do they lie, or come to save you when it’s too late.
I am not saying I’m not lost, nor that my heart never aches. I have walked on the wrong shoes, and wanted to fix my mistakes. Mile by mile, one by one I let go off, and now, an escapee from the ashes of my soul. Chased by it I forgot what it was all. Memories of my childhood and near life come to my mind at a time when everything have become different from then, as if to warn me or a sign to stop here and reconnect the lines. Did I forget so much of that past, and why does it seem so strange to even be mine? I thought I still remember why, but with confusion, I begin to ask why – why did I begin this journey? The most honest reasons are usually at the beginning because of their force that took us out of our routine life or comfort zone, and so to no longer remember those strong passionate motives is a warning sign.